How Much Does A Teacher Earn in Canada?

Since the salary scale in Canada is determined based on your province of residence, I’ll list out the amount payable to teachers working in each Canadian province.

As I’ve been saying that education is one of the most valued systems in Canada to the point of even offering free education to people who are citizens and permanent residents of the country, including their family members, and that is why Teachers are like hot cakes in Canada because they are seen as a vital body for the growth and development of society. They are being paid well working there irrespective of the school or class you are teaching, be it primary, high school, or college prof.

As of 2019, a post made by a business insider reported that Canada is among the top 10 countries in the list of best paid elementary teaching jobs.

So, see the average earnings of a person working in Canada as a teacher below here, depending on the province that the person is working at.

How Much Does A Teacher Earn in Canada

How Much Does a Teacher Earn in Canada?

Let me begin by saying that teachers at the National level earn an estimated average of $68,894 as salary working in Canada.

However, let’s move down to the estimated salary of teachers working in different provinces of Canada.

1. Alberta

Alberta is a province in Western Canada, and people who are working over here as teachers earn an average salary of $70,098.

2. British Columbia

On an average calculation, teachers working in British Columbia are entitled to be earning $53,031 as their salary, and you know that’s still huge.

3. New Brunswick

Out of the thirteen provinces and territories in Canada, New Brunswick is one of the three Maritime provinces and one of the four Atlantic provinces there.

In that province, the average salary a teacher earns is said to be $66,250.

4. Newfoundland & Labrador

Working teachers over here in Newfoundland & Labrador province of Canada earn an average salary of $58,500.

5. Northwest Territories

Teachers working in Northwest territories earn an average salary of $82,000. So, if you plan to work in this part of Canada as a teacher, that’s the average amount of money you’ll earn working there as a teacher.

6. Nova Scotia

$57,675 is the average salary amount that a working teacher will receive while working in the Nova Scotia province of Canada. The amount may not be big enough for you, but it’s worth working for.

7. Ontario

Ontario is one of the major provinces/territories in Canada. So, teachers working here are eligible for an average salary of $87,000.

That’s really nice, and teachers over there enjoy it a lot.

8. Prince Edward Island

$63,512 is the average salary amount that a working teacher will receive while working in the province. The amount may not be big enough for you, but it’s worth working for.

9. Quebec

Teachers working in Quebec earn an average salary of $49,579. So, if you plan to work in Quebec as a teacher, that’s the average amount of money you’ll earn working there as a teacher.

10. Saskatchewan

If you’ve been wanting to know how much a teacher earns in Saskatchewan as their salary while working over there, then I will like to inform you the amount is $62,400

11. Yukon

In Canada, we have provinces and territories. A typical example of a Territory is the Yukon, a territory on the northwest side of Canada.

Teachers working in the part of Canada are earning an average salary of $69,000

Other Benefits of Working as a Teacher in Canada

  1. You’ll be paid while on maternity and parental leave
  2. If you are sick, you’ll receive 55% of your earning
  3. Another benefit is the Caregiver Benefits that come in critical condition.
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